Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10 weeks to change, lose weight, change old habits, increase energy!

I have had many inquiries on face book about my program.
Christmas time was fun and you ate up, relaxed and partied, but health will catch up with you sooner or later... and LONGEVITY is what we all want right!
It is vital for people to look after their health and I am afraid to say NUTRITION is a big part of that. in fact it is the KEY... along with managing stress. So this is some of what the program will include.

You will receive 3 mindset videos from me pr week, just to listen to and teach you new things, motivate you and inspire you to change. We are looking for LONGEVITY- to be here for our children and ourselves longest time-possible and have quality of life.. your health.

The online workouts  (Yoga and CORE based including relaxation)are recommended 3-7 times pr week... if you had a lot of weight to lose you would practice  5 workouts  pr week  at least.

Sonia who lost 22 kg in 10 weeks did it everyday, without fail and mangers the Maternity Ward in WA, a very busy woman. She loves how she now  feels and besides the weight loss has a sense of calm and organised skills. One learning to herself first, amongst work and being a MUM! She has now lost  over 31. kg.

Ann lost 20 kg and is on the inspirational board with Sonia,  a full time Mum for first 10 weeks  in the program and Ann is now back at work and continued on mBT2 and lost her other 10 kg she wanted! She looks and feels amazing... she is a different person inside and out, radiates Vitality. 

 Nutrition , you are expected to fill in your nutritional planner, this works.. .and will help you put focus on what you want to happen- change old habits and eat healthier. 
Grocery Lists are sent out every week 1-10 wks with treat days for each weekend... healthy treats! This side is fun and teaches you how you can have yummy food without using preservatives , chocolate and crap to satisfy you - which will never satisfy you anyway.... the way I teach and eat, leaves you feeling light satisfied and HEALS and acts as a detoxification for your body everyday. 

Goals are a big part of the program, you are expected to write your goals at the start and prepare a folder to keep all the content in. 

Affirmations are used to help re-program your mind, and they work. 'I am healthy' 'My body is healing within and I have vitality' 

You can visit the site to look at the FAQ and sign up from there. http://www.nickyarthur.com.au/#page=10week

We have had many sign up this week so there is a great team of Mum's this week Kicking off and this is where the Forum can be fun and a place to share your experiences, thoughts and challenges.

You will learn not only how to look after your body HOLISTICALLY - drug free but also great MINDSET skills that help you with everyday LIFE! And I will help you every step of the way. All you need to do is stay with me step by step and RESULTS will happen in 10 weeks. 

I welcome all my new members as part of my family and happy to answer any questions along the way, or extra coaching one on  one is provided if need be through skype or email. most people sign up and like to follow in their own time and at the end of the day it is all about growing , learning and becoming the BEST YOU CAN BE... .by doing the best you can with your time, schedules commitments.
Check out the  10 week mind and body face book page  click on Inspirational Board and see for your self. This is a holistic healthy way to changing your, body your life, no preservatives, wheat free, dairy free. Heal your body from sugar cravings and YO YO dieting for good. 


I am a online coach and love it... so excited for you to take up the challenge and make 2012 the best YEAR ever.. whether you are a stay at home MUM, part time or FULL TIME.
It is your time to SHINE!

Love  Nicky  
Love and respect your body, love life  and love healthy  food

I can be your MBT COACH today xx
 We are looking for our NEXT big inspirational member for 2012. It could be you. Win a Photo shoot and have movie clip made of your story!

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