Sunday, January 8, 2012

Long term health and longevity.

Body and Soul.
I believe when improving your self development, practising yoga and mediation your Body and Soul  change.  You become  different person and so it is. You evolve, grow and change. You  operate out of a  new state of MIND and HEALTH in every moment of your life. 
This I believe is staying with AWARENESS  in everything you do. The challenge for many is when you become really busy again you can easily step out of awareness to grabbing some food on the run that may not serve you or your health LONG TERM. The only way I believe to master this is to FULLY understand how important every mouthful of food is to your body and your LONGEVITY. You do not have to feel you are on a diet when eating healthy. On my 10 week online Mind and Body Transformation program you learn how to make yummy healthy treats, have tasty food and be creative with your food whilst keeping it wholesome, fresh and raw. 
I believe keeping up with morning meditation is going to help you everyday stay balanced, grounded and connected to your true authentic self.
You body and soul will continue to change and do not want to stay the same, and there is always room for self-improvement, you simply cannot deny that.
Your  spiritual growth may take you by surprise and in unexpected directions your job is to STAY OPEN.  There is a flow of Love, goodness, justice and compassion in the universe and you can serve that flow by being  willing and open vessels to the universe.
Raw Food
There is an abundance of  information  on what to eat and what not to eat. Throughout my journey I give thanks everyday for discovering yoga, meditation and living a Raw Food lifestyle. Why because it has taught me to align myself back to nature and become the only person ACCOUNTABLE for my own health and life. I believe the best and only way to to discover  ‘NUTRITIONAL THERAPY’ is to continue your own research, follow what feels right intuitively for you and your body and stay true to 100% NATURAL as much as you can with food.  
 An ideal life  you  would eat 100% Organic and raw everyday. I believe doing the best you can with full awareness to what you eat everyday is taking out the best life insurance ever. Learn to trust natural medicine, use 'Nutrition Therapy'  and 'Super Foods' if illness or fatigue sneak in. Raw food will help keep your body in an alkalising state, when your body is in this state it is less likely to get sick and become tired. 
Processed foods and stress will form acid in the body, changing the pH level in the body  and your white blood cells, when this happens you can  get sick.
We have known for  years the Japanese have great longevity. Why?  Look at their diet, mostly raw fish, seaweed and drink they drink  green tea. Green tea is full of cancer fighting antioxidants.  Research shows us in America 13% woman get breast cancer; in Japan under 1%  woman get breast cancer. If a Japanese woman lives and eats  an American way of life she will fall into that 13% category. You can become Accountable for our own health.
You will need to take vitamins, especially if you are not eating organic, primarily because of the soil and life of the fruit and vegetables stocked on shelves, you can not be sure you are getting all the vitamins, antioxidants and minerals your body needs. 
 You cannot over dose on vitamins. My tip is when you feel anything coming up such as a cold sore, ulcer, sore throat, tiredness you need to double dose on your vitamins and increase your fruits vegetables and sleep, do not turn to drugs. Doctors will not recommend ‘Nutritional Therapy’ because they did not study it and they simply do not know enough about it. They prescribe drugs. Long term use of drugs will have a negative effect on the body. 
Eating Raw means you get more nutrients and mineral out of your food  rather than eating cooked food, however because the way the food has been grown and depending on the soil and pesticides you still need to top up with vitamins and mineral including magnesium so your body does not become deficient. Remember over a long period of time if you are deficient in any mineral and vitamins that is when illness and disease can enter the body along with the imbalance of your pH levels. You do not want to wait to find out. Make you health a priority each and everyday
Yoga is the icing on the cake. It keeps your body internally in check. Yoga will heal the internal body, keep you strong inside and out, flexible and open.  It becomes part of your life.  There are many health benefits from practicing yoga from lowering cholesterol, arthritis, stress, and anxiety, high BP to weight loss. A tip to keep yoga part of your daily life if you do not have time is to make time. Stretch a little each day! It is an excuse not to make 10-30mins of time to stretch in yoga poses morning or night or get to a yoga class 3 times pr week.  You know when you feel out of balance. You body tells you and yoga is the perfect way to help gain balance, clarity and a sense of alignment. Physiotherapist love yoga exercises, if you have an old injury Yoga will help align and heal your body. 
I personally believe mixing Yoga, Nutritional Therapy and Vitamins to your life style you are taking out the BEST life insurance EVER!
Check out this clip today and look out for this powerful DVD on FOODMATTERS

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