Saturday, January 21, 2012

Perth Seminar Raw Food Recipes and highlights

What a fabulous day at Etro Cafe A funky, professional and earthy environment which aligned well with the first 'Power of living a Raw Food lifestyle' Seminar for 2012.

I had the time of my life with my Perth fans. Many great things came out of today’s seminar.  This is a taste for the next  follow up workshop ‘Find your True North’ where you can deepen and widen into  gaining alignment with mind, body and soul.

Sonia our inspirational member who has now lost in total 33kg on the 10 week Mind and Body program spoke from her heart and shared her story. Thank you Sonia for giving your time today and inspiring others to make healthier changes to their life.

Thank you for those who attended. Here are some highlights from today.

GLUTEN- a starch, protein found in wheat  kumut, spelt barley, rye, malts. A food additive and flavoring, thickening agent that is affecting your body in a negative response. In a nutshell your body was not designed to process GLUTEN, hence why so many people have weight gain, digestive problems and sluggish energy.

DIARY- unnatural, pasteurized, homogenized … what you drink its not what the cow eats, grass.  Most cows are fed soy based feeds instead of grass, and most have antibiotics and artificial stimulants.  So they produce a synthetic FAKE vitamin. In a nutshell: the milk you think is fresh from the COW is not, and the CALCIUM you think you are getting has been destroyed in the process of pasteurization. There is a list of disease brought on by DAIRY is long and intricate: Asthma, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel symptoms, and hypertension.

SUGAR- Toxic Acid causes the body to become ACIDIC and is the Drug and Fat promoter. In a nutshell: when the Ph level in your body becomes in an acidic state, it becomes ripe for illness and disease. It thrives in this state and your body craves more sugar. ‘It aint so SWEET’
Our Mind and Body Transformation program will teach you step by step to eliminate sugar cravings, incorporate a whole new way of eating raw and healing for your body to create a ALKALINE ph level by using alkaline foods.

COOKING FOOD: Destroys all nutrients and vitamins. Cooked food becomes a DEAD energy or devoid of LIFE FORCE. It often lies heavy in our stomachs and saps energy.

VARIETY- Mono diets even raw are not necessary healthy. The MBT program is about eating an abundant supply of a varied diet to obtain essential vitamins and minerals to ensure we do not overdose in one particular food. Oils and fats help the body produce hormones and maintain healthy nervous system. Incorporating GREENS give us Chlorophyll to help detoxification and heal the body and other vitamins and minerals including magnesium.

Please share my recipes with you and your families. 

Nic’s unique GREEN dip (OR SOUP)
1 Avocado
1 tablespoon diced Spanish onion
1 vine tomato
1 cucumber
1 freshly squeezed lemon
2 basil leaves
1-tablespoon fresh continental parsley
1 spinach leaf
1 teaspoon almond oil or any cold pressed oil
½ teaspoon sea salt
Blend well until smooth
Use as a dip for your fresh vegetables or pour into small bowl and garnish with cubed avocado, cucumber, tomato, fresh herbs – very YUMMY!

Nic’s RAW Hummus
1 cup of organic chickpeas  (soak 24hrs)
Boil jug and soak chickpeas for 1 – 5min after pre soaked for 24hrs
1 small garlic clove
1 teaspoon Spanish onion
1-tablespoon fresh continental parsley
1 tablespoon almond oil or any cold press oil
1 freshly squeezed lemon
1 tablespoon organic Tahini unhulled
1-teaspoon sea salt
Blend really well until extra smooth

Enjoy Raw Foodies!

Sonia lost 33kg on our MBT program the holistic way and is an inspiration to many!

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