Sunday, April 15, 2012

What are your Core Values?

Did you know happier people are healthier, energetic, less likely to get sick, have stronger immune systems, have better loving relationships, and successful people are happy, happy people are successful. 
Women tend to experience their all-time lowest life satisfaction at 37 and men typically experience it at 42  however from facts and research we know it is up to ourselves to create our own happiness. 

Our birth right is to live a happy, blissful and healthy life, yet some many are held back by allowing pain, fear, anger, frustration and resentment into our beings. Learning to release these emotions helps us on our path to finding our inner purpose. Although we are not given a magical road map along the way. It is up to us to recognise the right signs to lead us to total bliss and fulfilment.

I believe meditation or just sitting in stillness for a period of time each morning before you start your day will help yo on your journey, as it has helped me. It is seeking a higher consciousness. To seek enlightenment, follow love, spontaneity, give to others, trust in the process, listen to your intuition, and take time out to smell the roses and appreciate all the goodness helps you realise happiness is always there. Be courageous to fit back into your day the things that make you happy.

Ask yourself what are your CORE values, what is important to you. Are you spending enough time  with those things, maybe family, exercise, singing, dancing, writing. If not then you are not following your core value. For me my core values are clear. My family are first and I do what ever I can to spend quality time each day with my family, then I am happy, my other core value is teaching and practising yoga. So it is simple for me, when I can start my day off by giving to my family, making a special breakfast, walking to school, practising yoga, I feel happy, alive and fulfilled, when I teach I for invigorated, inspired and happy, when I don't I feel like something is MISSING!

It is important to define and spend time writing down your goals and what makes you happy. When you do this you have what it takes within you to make your life work for you.

When you are aware of what you are doing or how you choosing to react to the challenge of your life, you will control your ultimate success and who you become along the way. Thinking and asking yourself questions demands silence, stillness, contemplation. Give yourself some time today to be in silence without technology or the need to be doing. This maybe 10-20mins.
How To be a Happier Mum now on itunes.. great little daily reminders for you to read from your phone.

A woman who has never had children before could not even begin to know what it feels like to be a Mum. We go through so much change and give so much of ourselves everyday, it can be easy to lose sight of who you are and what makes you truly fulfilled and happy. When you are a mum you learn to have so much compassion  and appreciation for our own mother's.  

Mother's Deserve to be happy, we spend so much time giving. In my book How to be a happier Mum gives you simple tools and techniques to help cultivate an unlimited supply of self love and happiness you deserve. It is your time to shine.

Love and light 

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